A Values Manifesto
We’re going to create a simple Values Manifesto that represents what your brand stands for, and how your brand will behave in accordance with its values.
We’re going to treat this process like a simple, algebraic formula:
Take two or three of the “I believe” statements you made in Activity 2 that most resonate with you (let’s call these x)
Take two or three of the values + behaviour statements you made in the previous activity (Activity 4) that most resonate with you (let’s call these y)
Now put them together in a statement (you can either combine them, or separate them out as I’ve done in the example below): x + y = a brand values statement
For example:
(x) I believe our planet needs to be protected and cared for, and that we are the stewards of a precious and limited natural resource. (y) I will only use reusable and recyclable packaging.
(x) I believe in promoting and celebrating the voices of women. (y) I will always hold space in my communities for everyone to participate, and will actively invite and support women to share their stories.
Your turn! Turn to page 9 and have a go. (For the moment, don’t fuss about the grammar or making things sound perfect: we can finesse that later. The goal right now is simply to solidify a Values Manifesto that resonates for you).