Not negotiable!

This activity is all about distilling things down to what you absolutely must have (your non-negotiables), and also what you absolutely cannot abide (your deal-breakers). 

First, read back over your answers to all the questions in the previous two activities (what you stand for, and what you believe). Now, see if you can pull out a list of words and phrases from these answers that help to describe the things that matter to you the most.

I’m calling these your “non-negotiables,” they are the values and behaviours without which you just wouldn’t want to be doing what you do.

List your non-negotiables in your workbook on page 7.

Next, still reading back over your answers from the previous two activities, keep an eye out for words and phrases that represent your genuine turn-offs, the kinds of behaviours and values you absolutely don’t want to be part of. I’ve called these your deal-breakers.

List any deal-breakers in your workbook on page 6.

Obviously, non-negotiables and deal-breakers don’t only have to come from your previous activities. You might think of others to include here, that you hadn’t included in the previous activities. That’s perfectly fine. But do also consider whether you might want to add to or change some of your answers from the previous two days, if you think it’s important to incorporate today’s work into them.